
Identifying the Challenge

Mesothelioma Awareness Day sheds light on a pressing challenge in healthcare: the silent epidemic of mesothelioma. The issue lies in the underdiagnosis and inadequate awareness of this aggressive cancer caused primarily by asbestos exposure.

Impact of Mesothelioma

The Impact of Mesothelioma

Pharmaceutical companies face significant challenges in addressing mesothelioma. Direct impacts include the aggressive nature of the cancer, often diagnosed at advanced stages, leading to limited treatment options and poor prognosis. The American Cancer Society estimates approximately 3,000 new cases of mesothelioma each year in the United States alone, highlighting its devastating impact on affected individuals and their families.

Indirectly, mesothelioma places emotional and financial burdens on families, strains healthcare resources, and underscores the urgent need for improved diagnostic tools and treatment modalities.

Proposing Effective Solutions

Presenting Effective Solutions

Pixika AI specializes in enhancing patient education and support for mesothelioma through innovative digital and print solutions. Our approach integrates personalized patient education, promotional inputs, and digital engagement strategies. We empower pharmaceutical companies to deliver targeted resources and services that raise awareness, facilitate early detection, and improve patient outcomes.

buidling trust Expertise

Building Credibility Through Expertise

With a distinguished track record of partnering with 70+ top global healthcare companies, engaging 500,000 doctors annually, and delivering over 1 million personalized inputs, Pixika AI is a leader in pharmaceutical business growth. Our initiatives have contributed to cumulative revenues of 9700 crores, fostering trust and loyalty among 650+ healthcare brands across 8 countries.