
Identifying the Challenge

World Contraception Day highlights a critical challenge in reproductive health: the need for accessible and effective contraception options. The issue lies in the disparities in contraceptive access, awareness, and utilization among different demographics.

Impact of Inadequate Contraception

The Impact of Inadequate Contraception

Pharmaceutical companies face significant challenges due to inadequate contraception options. Direct consequences include unintended pregnancies, maternal health risks, and increased healthcare costs associated with unplanned births. Globally, approximately 121 million pregnancies each year are unintended, highlighting gaps in contraceptive education and accessibility.

Indirectly, lack of contraception options perpetuates socioeconomic inequalities, affects educational and career opportunities for women, and strains healthcare systems burdened with managing preventable reproductive health issues.

Presenting Effective Solutions

Presenting Effective Solutions

Pixika AI specializes in enhancing patient education and access to contraception through comprehensive digital and print solutions. Our approach integrates personalized patient education, promotional inputs, and digital engagement strategies. We empower pharmaceutical companies to deliver targeted resources and services that promote contraceptive awareness, improve access, and support informed decision-making.

Building Credibility Through Expertise

Building Credibility Through Expertise

With a distinguished track record of partnering with 70+ top global healthcare companies, engaging 500,000 doctors annually, and delivering over 1 million personalized inputs, Pixika AI is a leader in pharmaceutical business growth. Our initiatives have contributed to cumulative revenues of 9700 crores, fostering trust and loyalty among 650+ healthcare brands across 8 countries.