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Your access to pixika.ai is subject to the following Terms and Conditions, which may be updated by us from time to time without notice to you. By accessing or using this Web site, you agree that you have read, understand, and agree to be bound to these Terms and Conditions, as they may be amended from time to time, as well as to the terms of our Privacy Policy, which is hereby incorporated into these Terms and Conditions. You are responsible for periodically reviewing these Terms and Conditions for applicable changes. Your use of this Web site after posting by us of any changes to these Terms and Conditions constitutes your acceptance to those changes. If you disagree with these Terms and Conditions (as they may be amended from time to time), or are dissatisfied with this Web site, your sole and exclusive remedy is to discontinue using this site.

For information on use of the PIXIKA AI social media channels, please see our social media Terms of Use.


You acknowledge and agree that:

  • Although we strive to provide on this Web site the latest developments relating to our products and services, and other information about our company, we do not warrant the accuracy, effectiveness and suitability of any information contained in this Web site. Each person assumes full responsibility and all risks arising from use of this Internet site. The information is presented "AS IS" and may include technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. PIXIKA AI reserves the right to make additions, deletions, or modifications to the information at any time without any prior notification.
  • Makes no representations or warranties of any kind or nature with respect to the information or content posted on this web site. PIXIKA AI hereby disclaims all representations and warranties, whether express or implied, created by law, contract or otherwise, including, without limitation, any warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, title or non-infringement. In no event shall PIXIKA AI be liable for any damages of any kind or nature, including, without limitation, direct, indirect, special (including loss of profit) consequential or incidental damages arising from or in connection with the existence or use of this internet site and/or the information or content posted on this web site, regardless of whether PIXIKA AI has been advised as to the possibility of such damages.
  • PIXIKA AI is not responsible, and provides no warranty whatsoever, for the accuracy, effectiveness, timeliness and suitability of any information or content obtained from third parties, including any hyperlinks to or from third-party sites. Except as otherwise provided on this Web site, PIXIKA AI will not edit, censor or otherwise control any content provided by third parties on any bulletin board, chat room or other similar forums posted on its Web site. Such information should, therefore, be considered as suspect and is not endorsed by PIXIKA AI.
  • This Web site may contain forward-looking statements that reflect. PIXIKA AI current expectation regarding future events and business development. The forward-looking statements involve risks and uncertainties. Actual developments or results could differ materially from those projected and depend on a number of factors including, but not limited to, the success of current research programs, results of pending or future clinical trials, ongoing commercialization of its products, regulatory approvals of pharmaceuticals, validity and enforcement of its patents, the stability of its commercial relationships, and the general economic conditions. PIXIKA AI intends to update this site on a regular basis but assumes no obligation to update any of the content.

Your use

You understand, acknowledge, and agree to the following:

  • By using this Web site, you agree not to disrupt or intercept our electronic information posted on this Web site or on any of our servers. You also agree not to attempt to circumvent any security features of our Web site, and to abide by all applicable, local, state, federal and international laws, rules and regulations.
  • You grant to PIXIKA AI the right to use all content you upload or otherwise transmit to this Web site, subject to these Terms and Conditions and PIXIKA AI Privacy Policy in any manner. PIXIKA AI chooses, including, but not limited, to copying, displaying, performing or publishing it in any format whatsoever, modifying it, incorporating it into other material or making a derivative work based on it.
  • Except as expressly stated and agreed upon in advance by PIXIKA AI, no confidential relationship shall be established in the event that any user of this Internet site should make any oral, written or electronic communication to PIXIKA AI (such as feedback, questions, comments, suggestions, ideas, etc.). If any PIXIKA AI Web site requires or requests that such information be provided, and that such information contains personal identifying information (e.g., name, address, phone number), PIXIKA AI shall obtain, use and maintain it in a manner consistent with our Privacy Policy. Otherwise, such communication and any information submitted therewith shall be considered non-confidential, and PIXIKA AI shall be free to reproduce, publish or otherwise use such information for any purposes whatsoever including, without limitation, the research, development, manufacture, use or sale of products incorporating such information. The sender of any information to PIXIKA AI is fully responsible for its content, including its truthfulness and accuracy and its non-infringement of any other person's proprietary or privacy rights.

Intellectual property

The information, documents, and related graphics published in this Internet Web site (the "Information") are the sole property of PIXIKA AI, except for information provided by third-party providers under contract to PIXIKA AI, its subsidiaries or affiliates. Permission to use the Information is granted, provided that

(1) the above copyright notice appears on all copies;
(2) use of the Information is for informational and non-commercial or personal use only;
(3) the Information is not modified in any way; and
(4) no graphics available from this Internet site are used separate from accompanying text. PIXIKA AI is not responsible for content provided by third-party providers, and you are prohibited from distribution of such material without permission of the owner of the copyright therein. Except as permitted above, no license or right, express or implied, is granted to any person under any patent, trademark or other proprietary right of PIXIKA AI Laboratories.

No use of any PIXIKA AI trademark, trade names, trade dress and products in this Internet site may be made without the prior written authorization of PIXIKA AI, except to identify the product or services of the company. If you believe that your work has been copied and is accessible on this site in a way that constitutes copyright infringement, you may notify PIXIKA AI by providing our copyright agent with the following in writing:

Identification of the copyrighted work that you claim has been infringed; Identification of the material that is claimed to be infringing and information reasonably sufficient to permit PIXIKA AI to locate the material.

For any inquiries or to exercise your rights under the DPDP Act, please contact our support team at hello@pixika.ai